India began stepping up its efforts to prevent the spread of Coronavirus on Sunday with the first-of-its-kind 'Janta Curfew' being imposed by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi. With the State Government announcing a complete lockdown in Delhi NCR till March 31st, a lot of services have been suspended. In the wake of COVID’19, the government has also sealed the state borders. Only banking professionals, grocery vans and doctors will be allowed to pass through. Currently, there are 27 cases in Delhi with 6 of them falling under the category of transmission and 21 coming from foreign countries. In order to stop the spread of Coronavirus, the State Government has taken this initiative of lockdown.
Here are the top 5 things that you need to know about the Coronavirus Delhi NCR lockdown.
Coronavirus lockdown leading to Delay
An ambulance was found stuck in traffic for more than 30 mins at the Delhi-UP border amid the lockdown in both the states. From Rajiv Gandhi hospital in Delhi, it was heading to Muraina in UP. However, the ambulance managed to cross the border by making its way through the traffic.
Public transport suspended till 31st March
In order to control the spread of Coronavirus, the state government has announced that no public transport service will be allowed to run till 31st March. These include private buses, taxi, auto-rickshaw, and e-rickshaw. Only 25 percent of the total number of DTC buses will be operative for essential services. Inter-state buses, trains and even the metro will also remain suspended while only inter-state transportation of essential goods and items will be allowed.
Automakers & Auto Component Manufacturers shutdown their facilities
Due to the coronavirus outbreak, SIAM (Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers) and ACMA (Auto Component Manufacturers Association) of India have asked the automakers and auto component manufacturers to shut down their plants for a limited time. This is being done to overcome the critical period and also to make sure that the workers are not exposed to the virus.
Breathalyzer Test suspended due to Coronavirus
Delhi High Court suspends the Breathalyzer Test through the tube process for Air Traffic controllers till 27th March, in view of COVID19. The high court directed the authorities to explore alternative methods for the test.
Uber and Ola to support only essential services
The State Government announced that the services of Uber and Ola will be suspended till 31st March amidst the lockdown to contain the spread of Coronavirus infection. They will only enable a minimal network of vehicles to support essential services in cities.
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