Kia Motors is preparing to hit the Indian roads very soon as the carmaker has begun trial production in their Anantpur plant in Andhra Pradesh. The South Korean carmaker showcased the Kia SP Concept at the 2018 Auto Expo and they have now begun the trial production of the Kia SP2i production version that will be revealed soon to the public.
The trial production for this SUV will help Kia synchronise and fine-tune the brand’s manufacturing equipment and technologies before series production commences later in 2019. Kia's new plant in Andhra Pradesh is equipped with latest tech having more than 300 robots automating the press, body and paint shop.
They have a five-acre training facility that offers a Basic Technical Course (BTC) in automobiles in collaboration with the Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC). This will help them develop manufacturing skills among the youth. Safety performance during vehicle production is a part of the facility. We can expect Kia to commence sales in India from June this year.
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