Seller Obligations at Droom

  1. Sign-up on Droom with accurate details
  2. Be a verified Seller on Droom
  3. Provide accurate, precise, and clear details of your active listing
  4. Upload accurate, high quality, and clear images for the products/vehicles
  5. Upload more images of your listing
  6. Be honest and transparent in disclosing all the details of a listings
  7. Provide an accurate and realistic price for your items to sell
  8. Upload new listings
  9. Reach out to customer after an order has been received
  10. Courteously respond to buyer questions
  11. How much you score in Droom Full Circle Trust Score is in your hands
  12. Try your best to close the transaction as soon as possible after the Commitment Fee (Token Amount) is paid by the buyer
  13. Provide excellent service during transaction closure phase and afterwards
  14. Provide responsible and professional service for any post sales issues
  15. Carefully execute all the paperwork related to the transaction