Droom Full Circle Trust Score is based on Droom’s proprietary technologies and algorithms that take into account trust factors that are important while buying used automobiles, such as auto inspection, warranty, verified seller, attractiveness of pricing for buyer, and level of disclosures by the sellers. Droom Full Circle Trust Score will allow buyers to develop more objective assessment and comfort around the vehicles they are considering buying. Our Full Circle Trust Score is equally attractive for sellers who want to adopt best practices and offer nothing but the best to the buyer community. Seller listings with higher trust scores will automatically emerge as winners on Droom’s marketplace.


User can also download a Full Circle Trust Score Basic report or buy Premium report of a listing from the product page. With these reports Droom is empowering buyers with more information, better transparency, and clarity & trust on a vehicle that he/she is interested in. A buyer can download the report from Full Circle Trust Score block on the product page.

  • • Basic Report: This report provides details about the overall Full Circle Trust Score and the 4 bucket scores to the user in the form of a downloadable PDF report.
  • • Premium Report: This report provides detailed information about scores of all the parameters which constitute the 4 buckets under Full Circle Trust Score - Health score, Transparency score, Pricing score and Seller Score. The detailed scores will be listed out of 10 for each of the parameters, which are taken to calculate the overall score. The buyer can access this report by paying a nominal fee on Droom’s online platform from the respective product page and the report will be available in downloadable PDF format as well as send as an attachment in the mail. Going forward, this report will also be available in My Account of the buyer once he/she has paid for the report.

Droom gives each seller an equal opportunity to score high full circle trust score and win buyers’ trust. You must aggressively provide full vehicle details and specifications to achieve the higher level of Full Circle Trust Score.


Transparency Score

This score is based on listing details disclosed by Seller, such as Number of Images, Quality of Images, Description, etc.

Pricing Score

This score is based on the listing price relative to market price of similar vehicles and Orange Book Value.

Seller Score

Every seller is unique, hence this score is based on seller related factors such as the Ratings given to them by buyers, whether the seller is verified or not, etc.

Health Score

Every seller maybe trustworthy, but this score is based on factors which provides more trust on the vehicle such as inspection report, service logs, etc.

Benefits to the Sellers

Benefits to the Sellers

Our Full Circle Trust Score is equally attractive for sellers who want to adopt best practices and offer nothing but the best to the buyer community. Seller Full circle trust score will help sellers get more customer attraction, trust and positive feedback. Every buyer wants to buy from reliable source at the best available price, so higher score will be a mark of higher trust and reliability. Following are some of the benefits for the seller:

  • Get positive feedback
  • Get more buyer attention
  • Sell more without extra efforts
  • Higher the score, higher are the chance of the listing to be sold fast
  • Build positive reputation in the online marketplace

How it works?

Full Circle Trust Score is based on Transparency score, Seller score, Health score, and Pricing score. Below are top 10 recommendations to get maximum Full Circle Trust Score:

  1. Price your vehicle close to the industry standards (OBV) recommendation to improve your FCTS score
  2. Verify your phone number and email id to become a Verified Seller and earn the buyer's trust.
  3. Provide auto inspection report to get higher score. Auto Inspection from Eco or Droom fetches you the maximum score. Don't wait, Order now!
  4. Offer warranty with your listings to achieve better score
  5. Improve your seller rating by improvising the following factors: Payment, Communication, Viewing & Scheduling, Handover & Delivery, and Professionalism.
  6. Upload more and high quality images of your listing. Also consider uploading a video of your listing.
  7. Offer Returns as an option in your listing to earn buyers’ trust and increase your score.
  8. Offering free test drive helps earning more score.
  9. Become a Droom Premium Pro-Seller and get access to several seller tools and analytics, along with a higher seller score.
  10. Providing as much information as possible in Basic Facts and Key Factors helps improve your score.

Best Practices for Sellers

Every seller has equal opportunity to score well for Droom Full Circle Trust Score by following best practices and watching buyers’ interest. It is seller’s responsibility to provide best possible information about the vehicle to buyer make an informed purchase decision. Below are the best practices a seller must follow to attain maximum full circle trust score

For transparency bucket

Disclose maximum vehicle details to get high transparency score. Make sure to upload more pictures, click high quality pictures, write clear description of the listing, and provide all information while creating a listing even fill the fields that are not mandatory.

For seller bucket

Being verified is the single most important thing to build a reputation amongst the buyer community. Make sure you verify yourself on droom’s platform to be a verified seller and to score better in seller score bucket. If you are a professional seller, then register as pro-seller with droom to have a higher score. Your seller score also depends on seller ratings and reviews you receive from buyers, online showroom setup, and more.

For pricing bucket

Nothing can beat a great pricing. This score is based on the price of your product. The more competitive price you keep for the items you are selling, the higher your score will be getting for pricing. Research the market to see the price tag for other similar items before marking the price. Also look out Indian Blue Book or Orange Book Value to check the price of your vehicle. So, wisely price your items to sell and you will see your overall score zooming up.

For Health bucket

At last what matters is trust, so this becomes the most important bucket. Get maximum Health score by truthfully filling seller declaration form, offering auto inspection, warranty, uploading copy of RC, uploading a copy of insurance, and uploading copy of service logs to score. Droom offers independent, objective and unbiased auto inspection reports from various preferred vendors at pre-negotiated price and defined service level agreement. Sellers can take full benefit of this program to get their vehicle inspected.
