Bajaj Auto India has officially announced the restart of sales operations across the country. It has started reopening dealerships and service centres in various cities from the 4th May 2020. The company is following the various guidelines by the Central and State government with the dealerships taking permission from the respective local authorities too. It has issued a toll free number 7219821111 for customers to check the status of the dealership or service centre in their cities.
Read Also : Bajaj Auto Extends Warranty And Free Service For Its Customers Across The Country
Commenting on the same, Mr Rakesh Sharma, Executive Director, Bajaj Auto Ltd said “India is gearing up for the new normal post the COVID19 pandemic and so are we at Bajaj Auto. The opening of workshops and dealerships is another step towards making a fresh start. To ensure safety, speed and efficiency with minimal contact, a new workflow process has been put in place for both Sales & Service.” All the touch points are following mandated protocols to ensure the safety of customers and dealer staff. All the facilities have been sanitized prior to restart of business. There are social distancing protocols in place at all customer facing touch points at dealerships.
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He further added, “We had earlier announced the extension of free services and warranty for customers. We have now also prioritised commencement of workshops to ensure that the vehicle service requirements of all our existing customers are met. Our engineers and workshops are now geared up to ensure that all service requests are met at the earliest to provide a hassle-free commute to our customers.” Mandatory thermal screening at the entrance and regular monitoring of employees’ health is being done to ensure a completely safe environment at dealership and service locations. Bajaj has refrained from mentioning the exact number of retail outlets and service centres but we have come to learn that its arch rival Hero MotoCorp has reopened approx. 1500 dealerships throughout the country.
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