Today, TVS Motor Company has launched the 2021 Star City Plus in the country at a price of Rs 68, 465 (ex-showroom, India). The popular bike comes with new features and equipment list. The biggest point is the addition of the disc brake with the Star City, it is more expensive than the standard model by just Rs 2,600. Currently, the standard TVS Star City is priced at Rs 65,865 (ex-showroom, Delhi). With the new variant’s launch, TVS has one of the most affordable motorcycles with a front disc brake in the Indian market. As of now, TVS is selling the Star City Plus disc brake variant in only Black-Red dual-tone colour scheme. The new edition celebrates Star City+'s 15-year-legacy in the domestic market. The Chennai-based manufacturer has sold over 3 million Star City motorcycles till date.
Comparing the new TVS Star City Plus disc brake variant with the standard model, there is no design update. The new edition flaunts an LED headlamp, USB mobile charger and semi-digital instrument cluster among many other features. The cluster comes loaded with an analogue speedometer and a digital display for displaying information like clock, odometer and fuel gauge among others.
2021 TVS Star City is powered by a 110 cc, single-cylinder, fuel-injected powertrain. The bike delivers 8.08 bhp of maximum power output at 7,350 rpm and 8.7 Nm of peak torque at 4,500 rpm. Transmission duties are taken care of by a four-speed gearbox. As per the manufacturer, the bike can clock a top speed of 90 kmph. Further, the bike comes equipped with TVS’ signature Eco Thrust fuel injection technology (ETFi). The bike giant claims that the ETFi helps in making BS6 Star City Plus 15 percent more fuel-economic than the BS4 model. The new bike comes loaded with a front petal disc brake, 110 mm rear drum brake and combi-braking system.
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