Renault India has launched the 2021 Triber MPV at a starting price of Rs 5.30 Lakhs (Ex. Showroom, India) in the country. Being introduced in August 2019 in India, the French brand has sold more than 75,000 units of the MPV in the Indian market till date. The 2021 Renault Triber is the most affordable automatic vehicle in the MPV segment while it is available in a total of seven variants namely RXE, RXL, RXL AMT, RXT, RXT AMT, RXZ and RXZ AMT. The customers opting for dual tone paint shade need to pay Rs 17,000 extra with the range-topping RXZ trim.
The 2021 Renault Triber gets a plethora of exciting features in the form of Steering wheel mounted audio and phone controls, Driver seat height adjustable and LED turn indicator On ORVMs. The MPV will be offered in a total of five exterior colors namely Metal Mustard, Electric Blue, Moonlight Silver, Ice Cool White and Cedar Brown with dual tone options across all body colours on the RXZ version. It has a boot capacity of 625 litres which is the biggest in the segment in five-seater configuration. As for the safety of the occupants, the MPV comes loaded with as many as four airbags. The French automaker is locally manufacturing the Triber at the Chennai facility while exporting it to South Africa and the SAARC region.
The 2021 Renault Triber can be booked online at the company's official website or at My Renault App on Android and iOS. In fact, the bookings can also be made at Renault authorized dealerships by paying a token amount of Rs 11000. The MPV has been listed on the CSC Grameen eStore and made available to the potential customers through Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs). Mechanically, the 2021 Triber MPV will continue to carry the same 1.0L petrol engine with power output and torque delivery retained from the preceding model. The engine will be mated to a 5-speed manual transmission as standard while an optional AMT gearbox will also be there for the buyers. Below is the 2021 Renault Triber price (Ex. Showroom, India) variant-wise:
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