There are 381 Buses available online for sale in India at starting price of Rs. 3,00,000. Below listed Buses are available online in Fixed Price. All Buses come with full circle trust score and 100% refundable token amount. Buy good condition Buses from the largest collection at the best price in India. Select your favorite Bus and make your dream come true of buying your own vehicle.
Find your dream vehicle from our 250K+ listings across 1100+ cities!
Droom has a vast inventory of buss brands including Eicher,Ashok-leyland,Bharat-benz,Sml-isuzu,Force,Tata,Force-motors,Mahindra and more. Find the best buss of your choice on Droom.
At Droom, doorstep deliveries are available for all bus.
You can buy bus at an affordable and best price only at Droom.
Droom will help you to finance the purchase of a bus. They will provide you with the bus loan at a minimal interest rate and zero paperwork.
Booking Amount helps to get access to bus information, know bus condition, get original documents, and avail other facilities.Token Amount is 2-3% of the selling price of the vehicle. Once you pay a Token Amount, you get access to vehicle and seller information.Both are refundable if you cancel the order.
Droom is a tech and AI-driven 21st-century futuristic online platform revolutionizing the Indian automotive market. Droom is the only online automobile platform in India that sells both used and new automobiles and everything from bicycles to planes. Droom has helped 2.5million+ customers buy, sell, finance, insure, or inspect/certify vehicles with trust, convenience, and peace of mind backed by Droom’s managed marketplace platform and proprietary tech & AI-driven ecosystem of products and services.