Jaguar Land Rover India has finally launched the all-new Defender in India at an introductory price of Rs 69.99 lakhs (Ex. Showroom, India). The 2020 Land Rover Defender is powered by a 2.0- litre, four-cylinder, BS 6 petrol engine that produces 292bhp of top power and 400Nm of peak torque. This New Defender is available in two distinct body styles namely the elegant 90 (3 doors) and the versatile 110 (5 doors) as a Completely Built Unit (CBU).
“The New Defender embraces its rich lineage in a modern, 21st-century package that makes it extremely capable, on and off-road. With the entry of this icon to India, we are extremely proud to offer to our customers, the most capable and durable product in the Land Rover portfolio, while still retaining the authenticity and character of the original,” as commented by Rohit Suri, President & Managing Director, Jaguar Land Rover India Ltd. (JLRIL).
The 2020 Land Rover Defender is being offered in five different variants across both 90 and 110 namely Base, S, SE, HSE and First Edition. The New Land Rover Defender comes with a plethora of features. It is highly customizable with a multitude of seating options. For India, the New Defender features 360-degree surround camera, Electronic Air Suspension (Standard on 110), Smartphone Pack, Connected Navigation Pro, Off-Road tyres, Centre Console with refrigerated compartment (optional) and Wade sensing.