Jeep launched the much anticipated 2022 Compass Trailhawk at a starting price of Rs 30.72 lakhs (ex-showroom) in the country. The SUV is Rs 1.38 lakhs costlier than the Top-end Model S trim of the regular Compass which is priced at Rs 29.34 lakh (ex-showroom). The all-new Jeep Compass Trailhawk gets cosmetic and features upgrades along with customary off-road-focused gear.
In terms of design, the 2022 Compass Trailhawk gets a new grey seven-slot grille with black surrounds upfront. In addition, it features LED projector headlamps, LED front cornering fog lamps, an Auto-dimming rearview mirror, rain-sensing front wipers, 17-inch Trailhawk alloy wheels, and many more. Besides these, the SUV gets a 'Trail Rated' badge that differentiates it from the standard Jeep Compass. Talking about the off-roading credentials of the all-new Jeep Compass Trailhawk, it gets a Crawl Ratio of 20:1, a Ramp Travel Index of 321, a Turning Radius of 5.7m, a Jeep Selec-Terrain system with five driving modes, a frequency-damped suspension, and more.
The cabin of the 2022 Trailhawk gets subtle improvements in comparison to the older version. The feature highlights include a 10.1-inch touchscreen display R1 high with UConnectTM, integrated navigation & voice commands, a 360-degree parking camera, 9 Amplified branded speakers with Subwoofer, 12V power outlet among many others. The SUV further offers four terrain modes namely Sand, Mud, Snow, and Rock.