Pune based two and three-wheeler manufacturer, Bajaj Auto first launched the Pulsar in 2001 and it changed the two-wheeler scenario of the nation. Now in 2019, the company has launched the Pulsar 150 Neon collection. There are some visual changes to the bike and the mechanical remains untouched.
The bike gets coloured accents on various parts which includes a strip above the headlight, the Pulsar badging on the tank, grab rail and 150 numbering on the rear. The air vents on the side panel and alloy wheels get the same treatment. This contrasting colour treatment on the overall black bike looks very sporty. The neon collection is offered with three colour options – Red, Yellow and Silver.
The Pulsar 150 is powered by the same 149cc DTS-i, air-cooled, single-cylinder engine that produces 13.8 BHP and 13.4 Nm of torque. The bike is mated to a 5-speed gearbox. The fuel tank capacity of the bike is 15-litres. Bajaj Auto has priced the new Pulsar 150 Neon collection at Rs. 64,998/- (ex-showroom, Delhi).