Document | Droom - ICICI Full Tank

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  • Widest Selection
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  • Lowest Price
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  • inspection
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  • loan-&-insurance
    Doorstep Delivery

Free Fuel & Roadside Assistance with Every Used Vehicle Purchase from Droom!

How it Works

  1. Download Droom app or visit Droom website
  2. Select the used vehicle of your choice from the wide range of collections and put it on the cart
  3. Apply the coupon code “ICICIFULLTANK” on checkout page before making the payment to avail the Offer
  4. Purchase the used vehicle by making the payment with ICICI Bank credit/debit card or Net banking
  5. Receive the Exclusive Fuel Voucher code and Roadside assistance certificate from Droom, within 48 working hours of vehicle delivery
  6. Redeem the Voucher code at any Indian Oil petrol pump to fill fuel tank of your vehicle


  1. Voucher code will be shared within 48 working hours of vehicle delivery
  2. Voucher code is a convenient payment voucher for purchase of fuel at IOCL Retail Outlets
  3. Voucher to be redeemed at the Indian Oil petrol pumps only
  4. Voucher is not transferrable
  5. Voucher code is limited to one code per vehicle buyer
  6. If you wish to return the purchased vehicle, the voucher value will be subtracted from the return credit
  7. Free Full Tank is only for filling Petrol/Diesel up to the specified voucher limit i.e INR 3,500 & INR 1,500 for 4 Wheeler & 2 Wheeler respectively
  8. This offer is valid till 31st July 2022
  9. Droom has no obligation to pay the extra cost
  10. Voucher code is applicable for limited time (within a year) only from received date