The Swedish carmaker will launch its All-New Volvo XC60 in India in December. The car will compete against the likes of Mercedes’ GLC, Audi’s Q5 and BMW’s X3. The XC60 will be sold in one version - a fully loaded Inscription trim.
The car, at launch, is powered by a 235hp, 2.0-litre D5 diesel unit, which also sits under the hood of the larger XC90 SUV. The engine is mated to an eight-speed automatic gearbox and comes with all-wheel drive as standard. The company could also offer a less powerful 190hp D4 diesel unit in the future, and it could even fit this car with its 320hp T6 petrol and 407hp T8 Twin-Engine petrol-hybrid in the future.
This car comes with air suspension, a Bowers & Wilkins audio system, Nappa leather upholstery, heads-up display and large 19-inch alloy wheels. Volvo will offer a range of radar-based safety systems on the XC60 as well.
The company plans to assemble the car from its plant in Bengaluru, and you can expect prices to be in the region of ₹55 lakh (ex-showroom).
It will be powered by a 235hp, 2.0-litre D5 diesel engine in its fully-loaded top-spec Inscription trim. ...
The first customer-bound car, a T5 Inscription AWD in crystal white, has already rolled off the production line. ...
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