Tata Motors is all set to introduce the Punch small SUV on October 20, 2021 in the Indian market. However, prior to the official launch, Tata Punch safety rating has been leaked online. The Global NCAP safety rating of the Punch micro-SUV was visible at the company website for a brief time but later it was removed. According to the leaked document, Global NCAP - the apex body for vehicle safety - has awarded Tata Punch the highest 5-star safety rating. It comes as no surprise as Tata Altroz which shares the same ALFA platform as Punch has also received 5-star rating from the Global NCAP.
Tata Punch has been offered with a myriad of safety features in the form of dual front airbags, reverse parking camera, front fog lamps with cornering function, ABS with EBD and Corner Safety Control, Parametric Alarm System, ISOFIX child seat anchorages and driver and co-driver seatbelt reminder. In addition, it is equipped with a first-in-segment Brake Sway Control feature which detects the tendency of instability during abrupt braking before the ABS kicks in to avoid vehicle swaying away from the driving path. Though, it misses out on a couple of premium safety features such as Electronic Stability Control (ESP) and Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) but nevertheless, it is a decent package overall in terms of safety.
Tata Punch will be available in four trims namely Pure, Adventure, Accomplished and Creative. Further, a buyer gets two customization packs in the form of Rhythm and Dazzle to personalize it. Tata Punch bookings have already started at a token payment of Rs 21,000 at the company authorized dealerships while it will boast of both Manual and Automatic (AMT) transmission options. The features onboard are Push Button Start, Fully Automatic Temperature Control, Cooled Glove Box, Rear Arm Rest, Steering Mounted Controls, Fast USB Charger, 7-inch TFT Instrument Cluster and 7-inch Harman-sourced touchscreen infotainment system with Android Auto & Apple Carplay. It is being locally manufactured at Tata's Pune facility.
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