Today, Tata Motors announced the launch of a new variant in the Nexon lineup. The new Tata Nexon XM(S) variant will be offered in the Indian market with both manual and automatic gearbox options. It is priced between Rs 8.36-10.30 Lakhs (Ex-showroom, Delhi). The price is dependent on fuel and gearbox options. As per the manufacturer, the subcompact SUV’s new variant comes loaded with features like electric sunroof, automatic headlamps and rain-sensing wipers.
The Nexon subcompact SUV is one of Tata Motors' most popular models in the Indian market. Tata Nexon XM(S) will carry features which we have already seen in the XM variant. The key highlights are the Electronic Stability Program (ESP), LED DRLs with projector headlamps, driver and co-driver airbags, Hill Hold Control, ConnectNext infotainment system by Harman and multi-drive modes.
Vivek Srivatsa, Head- Marketing, Passenger Vehicle Business Unit (PVBU), Tata Motors issued a statement to various media outlets. He said “The Nexon has always been a product of pride for Tata Motors. It established us as the flag-bearer of safety by becoming Global NCAP’s first five-star rated car in India in 2018. The industry, media and customers alike have appreciated the car for its design and driving dynamics."
"With the launch of our ‘New Forever’ range of vehicles earlier this year, we promised to keep our products fresh and up to date with the changing customers’ demands. Keeping up with our commitment, we are elated to announce the launch of Nexon XM(S), a product that will allow our customers to enjoy superior features like electric sunroof at a compelling price. With this addition to our Nexon range, we will provide our customers with a premium driving pleasure and state-of-the-art features at attractive prices, thereby making our products accessible to all,” he said.
The Tata Nexon XM(S) will be retailed with two powertrain options - a 1.2-litre turbo-petrol and 1.5-litre diesel. The petrol unit delivers 120 bhp of power and 170 Nm of peak torque. The diesel unit belts 110 bhp of power and 260 Nm of peak torque. The transmission options include six-speed manual transmission and an optional 6-speed automatic transmission. Tata Nexon rivals in the Indian market are Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza, Hyundai Venue, Ford EcoSport and the upcoming Kia Sonet.
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