Tata Motors had released a teaser video of the upcoming Altroz turbo petrol version on its social media channels a couple of days back. Now, the high-performance hatch has been spotted undisguised by a Rushlane reader Rohit Bubanale. It is believed to be launching on the Christmas Day, i.e. December 25, 2020 in the Indian market with deliveries starting from January 2021 onwards. Tata Altroz turbo petrol will take on the likes of Hyundai i20 and Volkswagen Polo TSI in the country while the price is expected to be nearly Rs 75,000 higher than the top-end variant of regular Altroz petrol range.
The spied mule in blue paint shade with red number plates seems to be production ready and in the eventual phase of testing. It will come with a detuned version of Nexon's 1.2L turbocharged petrol engine which will devlier power output around 108bhp. Tata is introducing the 7-speed DCT automatic gearbox with this engine. The all-new transmission is sourced from the renowned German component supplier Schaeffler while the gear shifter will be delivered by Lumax. The company changed its plan of getting the 7-speed 'DT1' DCT gearbox from Punch as it was becoming unreasonably expensive for it. The Schaeffler transmission, despite being on the heavier side, is believed to offer exceptional power to weight ratio which will mean that Tata Motors won't have to work much on the suspension system.
As far as cosmetic changes are concerned, besides the Turbo badging, the hatchback is expected to be identical to the standard Altroz. Though, it might be available with a couple of new color options. There could be an extra 'DCT' badging to indicate the automatic gearbox. As for features, Tata Altroz turbo petrol will have all the features of the range-topping XZ grade of regular Altroz. The bookings for the performance-oriented hatchback are expected to start shortly. Meanwhile, in other news, Tata Motors will also launch the Gravitas 7-seater SUV and HBX micro-SUV in the Indian market. Tata Gravitas is expected to launch in February while the HBX is expected to launch around July-August in the country.
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