Skoda Octavia RS 245 was launched in the Indian market at the 2020 Auto Expo in February. Being priced at Rs 35.99 Lakhs (Ex. Showroom, India), the high-performance limited edition sedan has been spotted at the company's stockyard in various paint schemes. The Octavia RS 245 was clicked in plenty of shades like the Rallye Green, Corrida Red, Race Blue, Candy White and Black Magic. It has been learnt that the deliveries of the sedan were about to commence from April 15 but since the Indian government has extended the lockdown to May 3, they will start as the lockdown period ends.
Skoda has discontinued the standard Octavia sedan in the country post the implementation of BS6 emission norms from April 1, 2020. Though, it is believed that it might launch the new-gen sedan next year in India with BS6 compliant petrol and diesel engines. The RS 245 edition is limited to 200 units while being imported as Completely Built Units (CBU). It comes with a plethora of sporty elements both outside as well as inside the cabin. The exterior features include a huge air intake, revamped front bumper, 18-inch alloy wheels, big air diffuser and RS badges at several places. The cabin comes finished in an all-black upholstery with red contrast stitching as standard. The ground clearance is even lower as compared to the standard Octavia sedan.
Some of the salient features of Skoda Octavia RS 245 are a flat bottomed steering wheel, virtual cockpit instrument cluster with sporty seats, gear selector with RS badging and a large touchscreen infotainment system. Under the hood, it has a 2.0L turbocharged TSI petrol engine which belts out 242bhp at 6700rpm and 370Nm at 4300rpm. The engine is linked to a 7-speed DSG automatic gearbox with paddle shifters. The sedan does a 0-100kmph sprint in merely 6.6 seconds while clocking an electronically limited top speed of 250kmph. The performance based sedan has no direct rival in the Indian market as it caters to a niche audience, identical to the Volkswagen Polo GTi.
Read Also : Skoda Octavia vRS 245 Launched at Rs 35.99 Lakhs
Image Credits: Team-BHP