Skoda Kushaq, launched nearly four months back in July 2021 in India, has recorded more than 15,000 bookings. Being available in three variants namely Active, Ambition and Style, it directly rivals Hyundai Creta, Kia Seltos and MG Astor in the Indian market. Skoda Kushaq can be booked online at the company website as well as offline by visting the dealers outlets. Being priced in a range of Rs 10.49-17.59 Lakhs (Ex. Showroom, India), the SUV is offered with a total of four powertrain-transmission combinations in the country.
Skoda Kushaq comes with a boot capacity of 385 litres which can be further extended upto 1405 litres by folding down the rear seats. It has a wheelbase of 2651 mm which is the longest in its segment. Some of the notable features in the SUV include ambient lighting, front ventilated leather seats, automatic AC with Air care function, wireless charging, two-spoke multifunction steering wheel, four USB-C ports and a 25.4 cm colour touchscreen infotainment system with Wi-Fi hotspot, MyŠKODA Connect & Wireless SmartLink. As for safety, the Kushaq has been equipped with six airbags, ABS (Anti-Lock Braking), EBD (Electronic Brake force Distribution), EDS (Electronic differential lock), HBV (Hydraulic brake-boosting), HHC (Hill-Hold Control), ESC (Electronic Stability Control) and BSW (Brake disc wiping).
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The Slavia and Kushaq have already secured a five-star safety rating in the Global NCAP crash tests.
More...Mechanically, Skoda Kushaq is available with a 1.0L 3-cylinder TSI engine which produces power output of 113 bhp. The power is transmitted to the front wheels via a 6-speed manual gearbox or a new-generation 6-speed automatic transmission. There is also a 1.5L 4-cylinder TSI engine which develops top power of 147 bhp. It is transmitted to the front wheels via a 6-speed manual gearbox or can be coupled with a 7-speed DSG. This engine also features the segment first active cylinder technology (ACT) which deactivates two-cylinders automatically when the engine load is low. Built on the acclaimed MQB-A0-IN platform, Skoda Kushaq is the second product under VW Group's India 2.0 project.