Renault India has silently launched the RxT(O) variant of Kiger in the country. This has been done to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Automaker in the industry. As of now, the Kiger was sold in a total of four trims namely RxE, RxL, RxT, and RxZ. Talking about the new RxT(O) trim, the manual version is priced at Rs 7.37 lakh, while the automatic version is retailed at Rs 7.87 lakh (all prices, ex-showroom). Bookings for the new Kiger RxT(O) trim is all set to commence from today onwards. Interested buyers can reserve the vehicle by directly going to the authorized dealerships of Renault across the country.
Renault Kiger RxT(O): Design & Features
The new Kiger RxT(O) trim is based on the mid-spec RxT trim. However, it borrows several features from the top-end RxZ trim at an affordable rate. In comparison to the standard RxT trim, the new RxT(O) variant comes equipped with Tri-octa LED Pure Vision headlamps, 16-inch diamond-cut alloy wheels, and a Radiant Red dual-tone color option. Moving inside the cabin of the new variant, it gets additional features like a PM 2.5 Advanced Atmospheric Filter, and a wireless smartphone replication system that will connect the smartphone to the 8-inch display link floating touchscreen. The dual-tone color option with Kiger RxT(O) is available at an additional cost of Rs 20,000.
Renault Kiger RxT(O): Engine Specifications
Performance-wise, the Kiger RxT(O) variant is powered by a 1.0-litre naturally aspirated petrol unit that churns out a maximum power of 71 bhp and a peak torque of 96 Nm. The motor can further be had with either a 5-speed manual or a 5-speed AMT gearbox.
Renault Kiger RxT(O): Freedom Carnival
Besides this, Renault has introduced ‘Freedom Carnival’ in India. Under this initiative, the customer can avail of additional benefits over the existing one from August 6-15 across India except for Maharashtra, Gujarat, Kerala, and Goa. For these particular states, specific offers with maximum benefits of up to Rs 90,000 have been launched to celebrate upcoming festivals like Ganesh Chathurthi and Onam. Furthermore, Renault will be offering additional benefits to all the customers who book the car during this 10-day offer period.
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