Mahindra & Mahindra is all set to launch the 2020 Thar SUV in the country soon. But due to the COVID’19 lockdown, its launch has been delayed. The New Generation 2020 Mahindra Thar has been spotted testing on multiple occasions. However recently, two Mahindra Thar test mules were spotted testing on public roads near the brand’s manufacturing facility in Nasik, Maharashtra. The 2020 Mahindra Thar will be seen with its traditional boxy design. It will feature both soft-roof and hard-roof configuration.
According to the leaked spy shots, the 2020 Mahindra Thar SUV will be equipped with large rectangle-shaped windows at the rear and on the sides. In terms of design, the new Thar sports a few more changes. It gets circular headlamps with LED DRLs, large fenders with indicators, and new taillights. The spy pictures gave a proper first look of the rear seat aligned in a front-facing position with fixed headrests. The rear seat-belt comes fixed to the C-Pillar.
As for the interior features, the cabin of the New Mahindra Thar SUV is expected to boast of a new upholstery with premium seats. Other highlights would include a touchscreen infotainment system in the top-end trim and auto climate control. In terms of safety equipment, the SUV is likely to get dual front airbags, rear parking sensors, speed alert systems among many others.
Under the hood, the All-New Mahindra Thar will be powered by a new BS-6 compliant 2.0-litre mStallion petrol engine that will produce 187 bhp power and 380 Nm torque along with featuring Direct Injection and Turbo Charging. It will come equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission as standard while an automatic gearbox will also be in the offering. The Thar will also get a 2.2-litre diesel engine producing 138 bhp of power output mated to a 6-speed manual gearbox with an automatic transmission as an option. A four-wheel-drive system is also expected to be on the cards.
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