Audi India has opened the bookings for the fifth-gen 2021 Audi A4 at a token amount of Rs 2 Lakhs in the country. It will be the German luxury automaker's first launch of 2021 in the Indian market. Adorning the company's new design language, Audi A4 will take on the likes of BMW 3 Series, Mercedes C-Class and Jaguar XF in India. The new sedan can be booked at all Audi India dealerships and on the official company website by paying the initial amount of Rs 2 Lakhs. A 4 years Comprehensive Service Package is being offered by Audi as a pre-booking offer.
Commenting on the announcement, Mr. Balbir Singh Dhillon, Head of Audi India, said, “We are extremely happy to open bookings for the new Audi A4 – this will be our first product launch for 2021. The Audi A4 has been one of our bestselling models in the Audi A range and the latest edition will bring numerous innovations to the segment. The new A4 has undergone styling and feature changes and is a perfect blend of sportiness and sophistication. The high-performance sedan will attract progressive and well-established individuals who love to drive or be driven.” The new 2021 Audi A4 will come with a new MMI touch display which will offer best-in-class infotainment with a myriad of connected car technologies.
Mr. Dhillon further added, “The new Audi A4 will mark the beginning of a power-packed year for us and we are confident of attracting buyers in that segment. 2021 will witness several product launches and we are extremely happy to kick-start the year with a model that has shaped the brand in India.” Under the bonnet, the 2021 Audi A4 will have a BS6 compliant 2.0L four-cylinder TFSI petrol engine which will deliver a top power of 190bhp. The sedan will reach 100kmph from standstill in merely 7.3 seconds. Audi India had commenced the production of A4 last week at its Aurangabad facility. The 2021 Audi A4 price could start at Rs 40 Lakhs (Ex. Showroom) while deliveries are expected to start by January 2021.
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