Mahindra & Mahindra is planning to launch the Next-Gen Scorpio sometime early next year. The test mule of the upcoming SUV has been spotted doing test runs on multiple occasions in the past. Not many details have been revealed about this new model yet. Though what we have come to learn is that Mahindra has recently registered a new name with the Intellectual Property Authorities in India. The documents for the same have been leaked online ahead of its official launch. As per the leaked document, the company has filed a trademark application for the name ‘Scorpio Sting’. This further confirms that the Next-Gen model of the SUV is likely to be called by this name. \
The upcoming Scorpio Sting is expected to get both exterior and interior updates. Furthermore, we can expect the SUV to be based on an updated ladder frame chassis on which the New-Gen Mahindra Thar has been underpinned. Also, the upcoming Scorpio is likely to get design elements that will easily comply with the new pedestrian safety standards.
As for the interiors, the 2021 Next-Gen Scorpio will come equipped with a host of features. These will include a large touchscreen infotainment system, a new dashboard design, and a new instrument cluster. The upcoming SUV will get upgraded upholstery. There will also be ample of legroom and shoulder room for the occupants. We can expect the model to get a sunroof as well.
Under the bonnet, the 2021 Mahindra Scorpio Sting is likely to get a 2.0-litre diesel and a 2.0-litre turbo petrol engines. Both these engines will be offered with a manual and an automatic gearbox as options. Currently, the Scorpio on sale is powered by a BS6 compliant 2.2-litre mHawk diesel engine that generates 140 bhp power and 320 Nm torque. The engine is mated to a 6-speed manual gearbox.
Talking about the price, the upcoming Mahindra Scorpio Sting will be slightly premium over the current-generation Scorpio. The BS6 Scorpio currently on sale falls in the price bracket of Rs 12.40 lakhs - Rs 16.27 lakhs (ex-showroom).
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