MG Motor India has unveiled the first-in-industry features of its upcoming Astor SUV ahead of the official launch. Being the petrol version of the MG ZS EV which is already on sale in the Indian market, MG Astor will come with personal AI assistant and Autonomous Level 2 technology. It is the first vehicle in the company’s global portfolio to get a personal AI assistant feature. The Astor will take on the likes of Nissan Kicks, Hyundai Creta and Kia Seltos in India while being MG's entry-level offering in the domestic market.
MG Astor Design & Features
The Astor would flaunt an all-new Celestial front grille which is electroplated in tungsten steel. It was unveiled in a unique ‘Dual Tone Sangria Red’ interior theme which is one of the three interior themes of the SUV. Being designed by the acclaimed American firm ‘Star Design’, the personal AI assistant depicts human-like emotions & voices and can give detailed information on every topic through Wikipedia. It will engage with people in the car and is powered by i-Smart Hub. It is a platform on which the partnerships, services, and subscriptions of Car-as-a-Platform (CAAP) will reside. Being showcased for the first time in India, CAAP will come with maps and navigation with MapMyIndia, Jio connectivity, the first-of-its-kind Blockchain-protected vehicle digital passport by KoineArth and more.
The 'Astor' name is derived from Raytheon Sentinel, an airborne battlefield and ground surveillance aircraft formerly operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF), UK. Sharing the same platform as the ZS EV, it is sold in several global markets such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East, Norway and Netherlands.
MG Astor Autonomous Level 2 technology
It will work through a multi-purpose camera and mid-range radars which will boast of a series of advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS). They will include Adaptive Cruise Control, Forward Collision Warning, Automatic Emergency Braking, Lane Keeping Assist, Lane Departure Warning, Lane Departure Prevention, Intelligent Headlamp Control (IHC), Rear Drive Assist (RDA) and Speed Assist System amongst others. MG car owners will also get access to music on the JioSaavn app along with the industry-first feature of reserving a parking slot through a head unit (powered by Park+ - select cities to begin with) in the car.
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