India's largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki has announced a hike in prices for select models by up to Rs. 10,000/- (ex-showroom, India) effective from January 10, 2019. The decision comes due to the impact of rising commodity prices and foreign exchange rates. This has become a norm in the automotive industry as part of a cyclical revision of prices at the start of a new year. Recently, carmakers such as Hyundai, Tata Motors, Ford, Honda, Renault, Nissan, Toyota and BMW had also announced a price hike for their cars for similar reasons.
‘The cost of company’s vehicles has been impacted adversely due to increase in commodity prices and foreign exchange rates.’, the company said in a press release. The statement continued further as “Hence, it has become imperative for the company to pass on some impact of the above additional cost to customers through a price increase across various models in January 2019.”
Maruti Suzuki currently has 15 cars in its India portfolio combining its Arena and Nexa channels with the Alto 800 being the entry level car and the S-Cross being on the premium end. The company recently launched the next-gen Ertiga at a starting price of Rs. 7.44 lakhs (ex-showroom, India), the Ertiga is also expected to fall under the price hike. Maruti Suzuki will also launch the new Wagon R this month and it will decide upon its starting price in accordance to the price hike announced.