Mahindra & Mahindra has silently launched a new S3+ variant of the Scorpio SUV at a price point of Rs 11.99 Lakhs (Ex. Showroom) in the Indian market. Being offered in a 7-seater, 8-seater and 9-seater layout, it will be the new entry-level variant in the SUV's lineup in the country. Since Mahindra Scorpio S3+ is the base variant, it does miss out on some of the premium features as compared to the other variants. The Scorpio SUV doesn't have a direct rival in India so far but it falls in the similar price range as Hyundai Creta and Kia Seltos.
Mahindra Scorpio S3+ is deprived of several features like one-touch lane indicator, central lamp, auto door lock, side and rear foot steps, bottle and cup holder, seat upholstery, rear demister and central locking. However, it comes equipped with dual front airbags, ABS with EBD, power windows, front USB charging port, power steering with tilt function and micro-hybrid technology as standard features. The styling elements include unpainted bumpers, LED tail lamp cluster, silver steel rims, and manual ORVMs. The 8-seater and 9-seater versions of the SUV come with side facing seats while the buyers can also opt for a sky rack as optional accessory. Basically, Mahindra Scorpio S3+ is targeted towards fleet operators who are looking for an affordable option.
Mechanically, the Scorpio S3+ is powered by the same 2.2L 4-cylinder mHawk diesel engine, albeit with reduced power and torque. The engine belts out top power of 118bhp and peak torque of 280Nm which are less by 18bhp and 40Nm, respectively, as compared to the other variants in the Scorpio range. Furthermore, the company has paired this engine with a 5-speed manual transmission instead of the 6-speed manual gearbox which is offered with all the other variants. Meanwhile, in other news, the company has been working on the new-gen Scorpio which is expected to be launched in the market by mid of this year. However, our sources reveal that despite the introduction of the new-generation model, the older version will not be discontinued.