Mahindra’s upcoming compact SUV for Indian market has been spotted testing once again. This car is based on the SsangYong Tivoli and will come in two body versions – a sub-four-meter smaller version and a larger variant that will take on the Creta. We have seen the bigger version of testing a few times now, however, this is the first time the smaller variant has been spotted.
Reports suggest that the compact version is shorter by what looks to be around 200mm; they have done this in order to get the sub-four-meter tax benefits. Both cars will share most of the body panels except for the rear ends to keep costs low. Both SUVs will also have the same meaty tyres and raised ground clearance.
Powering the two cars will be the same 1.2-litre turbo-petrol motor along with a 1.5-litre diesel engine. The manufacturer is expected to introduce these two new models in the second-half of 2018.
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