Mahindra & Mahindra has launched the eKUV100 at a starting price of Rs 8.25 Lakhs (Ex. Showroom, Delhi) in the country. The company has been teasing the electric avatar of the KUV100 for quite a while across its various social media channels. Mahindra KUV100 Electric had debuted at the 2018 Auto Expo and now it has finally went on sale. The KUV100 EV is a 5-seater vehicle and come with extra graphics and badges to distinguish it from the regular models of KUV100.
The electric SUV has been equipped with an electric motor which draws power from a lithium ion battery pack. The 72V electric motor develops top power of 40bhp while having a driving range of 140 kms after being fully charged. The battery is compatible with both AC fast charging and DC fast charging. The latter will charge the battery to 80 percent from standstill in under 60 minutes. It has a top speed of 100kmph. Mahindra has collaborated with LG Chem for the development of battery cells which will be high on durability factor and even work under inclement weather conditions.
The other features of Mahindra eKUV100 include 15-inch alloy wheels, power windows on all doors, electrically adjustable exterior mirrors, cooled glovebox, headlights with follow-me home function, rear parking sensors and mood lighting in inner door handles. In addition, there is a 7-inch touchscreen infotainment system on offer as well while the safety features include dual front airbags and ABS as standard. The dimensions are similar to the standard models of the SUV.
Mahindra eKUV100 cost inferior to Rs 9 Lakhs. Mahindra eKUV100 which will be launched on Auto Expo 2020. Mahindra XUV300 Electric ...
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