India has launched the Huracán STO at a staggering price of Rs 4.99 Crores (Ex. Showroom, India) in the country. The 'STO' stands for Super Trofeo Omologata while it is a road-homologated super sports car which is inspired by the racing heritage of Lamborghini Squadra Corse’s one-make Huracán Super Trofeo EVO race series, as well as its three-time 24 Hours of Daytona-winning and two-time 12 Hours of Sebring-winning Huracán GT3 EVO. Lamborghini Huracán STO houses the 5.2L V10 engine as all the other variants in the supercar's lineup.
The Huracán STO is the result of the collaboration between Lamborghini’s R&D, Squadra Corse and Centro Stile departments. The bonnet, fenders and the front bumper are comprised of one single component known as the ‘cofango’ which is created by Lamborghini engineers by combining the ‘cofano’ (hood) and ‘parafango’ (fender) including the front bumper, inspired by the Lamborghini Miura and more recent Sesto Elemento. Some of the other exterior elements include new air ducts, front splitter, rear diffuser and new rear fender. It uses carbon fiber in more than 75 percent of its exterior panels. At a dry weight of 1,339 kgs, Lamborghini Huracán STO’s weight is reduced by 43 kg compared to the already lightweight Lamborghini Huracán Performante.
The extensive use of carbon fiber is also visible in the interior cabin of the Huracan STO. The seats are finished in full carbon fiber while the the cabin is offered in an Alcantara theme with Lamborghini’s Carbonskin. The supercar boasts of new Human Machine Interface (HMI) graphics feature with the touchscreen unit, which manages the car’s functions including drive mode indicator, the LDVI system, tire pressures and brake temperatures. A fully-connected telemetry system allows the driver to monitor and record their performance on race track and to analyze the data via the Lamborghini UNICA app. Owners of the Huracán STO can fully personalize both the exterior and interior of their race car-on-the road via a rich Ad Personam personalization program, with limitless paint and trim combinations.
Under the hood, Lamborghini Huracán STO gets the naturally aspirated 5.2L V10 petrol engine which we have already seen with the Huracán EVO and Super Trofeo. It returns a massive power of 640 bhp and huge torque of 565 Nm. The company is offering three new driving modes in the form of STO, Trofeo and Pioggia. It is a rear-wheel-drive unit.
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