Hyundai India will be officially launching the 2021 Alcazar on June 18. The South Korean automaker has already started accepting the bookings of the SUV at a token amount of Rs 25,000. As per a media report, the top-end ‘Signature’ trim of the Hyundai Alcazar will be sold via the Hyundai Signature outlets. It will not be available at all dealerships. Instead, it will be allocated to all the big dealers who have multiple outlets specifically in the metropolitan areas. Rest, all the small dealers in Tier 2, Tier 3, and semi-urban regions will get the Platinum and Prestige variants only.
The upcoming Alcazar is likely to be sold in a total of 6 variants namely Prestige, Prestige (O), Platinum, Platinum (O), Signature, and Signature (O).In terms of design, the SUV will get a couple of changes to help differentiate it from Creta. Furthermore, it will be offered in a 6- and 7-seat configuration. The third-row passengers can access features like the reclining function. Other feature highlights include a 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment system compatible with Apple CarPlay & Android Auto, a 10.25-inch digital instrument console, Hyundai Blue Link connected-car technology, Bose Premium Sound System with 8 Speakers, 8-Way adjustable driver seat, among many others.
The 2021 Alcazar will house a 2.0-litre Mpi petrol and a 1.5-litre CRDi diesel engine under the bonnet. The former will generate 157 bhp power and 191 Nm peak torque. While the latter will churn out a top power of 113 bhp and a peak torque of 250 Nm. Transmission options will include both a 6-speed manual and a 6-speed automatic gearbox. Once launched, the SUV will rival the likes of MG Hector Plus, Tata Safari, and the XUV500.
Source: Teambhp
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