India’s top car designer and founder of DC Designs, Dilip Chhabria recently got arrested by the Crime Intelligence Unit of Mumbai Police's Crime Branch. He has been booked under section 420 and other relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The Mumbai police has not revealed much details about the case yet.
An FIR of forgery, cheating, breach of trust, and criminal conspiracy was registered by the police on December 19, 2020. API Sachin Vaze and his team had arrested Chhabria. A high-end sports car worth around Rs 75 lakhs has been confiscated by the cops from him. The car was registered in the name of Indermal Ramani with the Tamil Nadu Regional Transport Office. At present, it is parked at Mumbai Police headquarters. The investigation is still at the preliminary stage. Chhabria will be presented before the Esplanade Metropolitan Magistrate on Tuesday.
According to reports, a complaint against Chhabria was lodged on December 19. Following the initial probe, API Sachin Vaze and his team arrested him from his office in MIDC. Cops also brought one of his cars to the Mumbai Police headquarters. Chhabria was booked under section 420 (cheating), and other relevant sections of forgery under the Indian Penal Code, as reported by one of the well-known publications.
Dilip Chhabria is the founder of India’s renowned car modification studio called DC Designs. Furthermore, he is an automobile enthusiast who owns several luxury vehicles. Talking about his work, he has designed and modified the vanity vans of several celebrities.
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