The Austrian bike maker launched its flagship model, KTM Duke 790, in September 2019 in India at an introductory price of Rs 8.64 Lakhs (Ex-Showroom). KTM had imported only 100 units during the launch time. The launch price was deemed to be high at that time but with the BS6 norms kicking in, it is a great opportunity now to own a good motorcycle at an affordable price. As per the norms, all BS4 vehicles will not get registered after April 1, 2020. With an aim to sell the last few remaining BS4 units, KTM Duke 790 gets a massive discount. It is now available at just Rs 5.99 Lakhs (Ex-Showroom). Competing against the Triumph Street Triple S, this sports naked bike weighs 187 kgs and is one of the lightest bikes in its class.