Mahindra & Mahindra is all set to launch its most anticipated SUV, Thar next month in India. Competing against the likes of Force Gurkha and the upcoming Maruti Suzuki Jimny, this Next-Gen Thar is expected to be launched by the 2nd week of April 2020 as it will borrow some features from its predecessor.
Mechanically, the New Mahindra Thar will be powered by a new BS-6 compliant 2.0-litre mStallion petrol engine that will produce 187 bhp power and 380 Nm torque along with featuring Direct Injection and Turbo Charging. It will come equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission as standard while an automatic gearbox will also be in the offering. This hardcore off-roader is also likely to get Mahindra’s tried and tested 2.2-litre diesel engine producing 138 bhp of power output mated to a 6-speed manual gearbox with an automatic transmission as an option. A four-wheel-drive system is also expected to be on the cards.
On the exterior front, this new Thar will sport a few major changes. It is expected to grow slightly in terms of the width and overall size. Expected to borrow a few features from its predecessor, these includes a circular headlamp, seven-slat vertical grille, wide and flat bonnet, rear-parking cameras, LED DRLs, power-folding wing mirrors, and brick-shaped rear tail light. It is also expected to be offered with 5-spoke alloy wheels.
The cabin will get a complete makeover. It will flaunt a completely new dashboard layout. The new Thar is expected to offer a host of features that include a touchscreen infotainment system integrated with Apple Carplay and Andriod Auto, a twin-dial instrument cluster with a MID in the center along with manual AC and multiple USB ports. It is also expected to get two-airbags and ABS as standard along with a front-facing second-row of seats.
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