Mahindra & Mahindra launched the All-New Thar on the 2nd October, 2020 in the country. Within a month of its launch, the bookings for the SUV have crossed the 20,000 mark. The waiting period for the off-roader ranges between 5 - 7 months depending upon the variant selected. The trims which have surpassed the expectation are the Hard-Top automatic and manual. With an aim to reduce the waiting period for the customers, the company is trying to fast-track the process of increasing the production capacity both at its Nashik manufacturing facility and at the supplier end.
Mahindra launched the All-New Thar at an introductory price of Rs 9.80 lakh (ex-showroom). The company had commenced the delivery process from November 1 onwards. The first unit of the SUV has already been dispatched to Minda Corporation’s CEO, Akash Minda a few days back. 2020 Mahindra Thar is offered in two variants - AX and LX.
“We are overwhelmed with this unprecedented response that the All-New Thar has garnered. I must admit the response has surpassed all our expectations and production capacities. Hence the wait for the All-New Thar will be longer than expected. We sincerely appreciate our customers’ patience and unwavering confidence in us. We had planned for a capacity of about 2,000 vehicles per month and are now getting ready to ramp it up to 3,000 by January. This would help us bring down the waiting period to a reasonable timeline,” commented Veejay Nakra, Chief Executive Officer, Automotive Division, Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd on this achievement.
Under the hood, the All-New Mahindra Thar gets both petrol and diesel engine options. The petrol variant is powered by a 2.0-litre mStallion unit that dishes out 150 bhp power and 350 Nm torque. While the diesel variant is powered by a 2.2-litre 4-cylinder CRDi diesel unit that churns out 130 bhp power output with 320 Nm of peak torque. Both these engines are offered with a 6-speed manual and a 6-speed automatic transmissions. The AX variant comes only with a manual gearbox while the LX variant also gets the automatic transmission as an option.
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