Maruti Suzuki has launched the 2020 S-Cross BS6 petrol at a starting price of Rs 8.39 Lakhs (Ex. Showroom, India) in the country. The crossover has been introduced in four grades: Sigma, Delta, Zeta and Alpha. The bookings for Maruti S-Cross BS6 petrol had already commenced a couple of weeks back at initial payment of Rs 11,000 and now it has reached the dealerships to go on sale. Being Maruti's flagship product and first car to be sold via NEXA, it has been launched to commemorate the fifth anniversary of NEXA premium range of dealerships.
The 2020 Maruti S-Cross BS6 petrol does not come with any cosmetic updates at the outside and the same design from the BS4 model is carried over. Inside the cabin, it comes loaded with several premium features such as Hill hold assist, 7-inch SmartPlay Studio touchscreen infotainment system, Cruise control, Rain sensing wipers, Start/stop button, Keyless entry and Automatic climate control. Being tested at Maruti Suzuki’s world-class Rohtak R&D facility, the S-Cross Petrol is compliant with advanced safety norms including frontal offset crash, side impact and pedestrian safety. The crossover comes with dual front airbags, ABS with EBD, ISOFIX child seat anchorages, high-speed alert system and seat-belt reminder system as standard safety features.
Under the bonnet, Maruti S-Cross has the BS6 compliant 1.5L 4-cylinder K15 petrol engine with the next-generation Smart Hybrid technology (automatic variants only). The engine pumps out top power of 103bhp and peak torque of 138Nm while mated to a 5-speed manual transmission as standard. There is also a 4-speed torque converter automatic gearbox as option with Smart hybrid technology. The automatic variants will return a mileage of 18.55kmpl (ARAI Specified). Besides the entry-level Sigma grade, the automatic unit can be availed with the remaining three trims. The 2020 Maruti S-Cross BS6 petrol will challenge the likes of Renault Duster, Hyundai Creta and Kia Seltos in the Indian market.
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Maruti S-Cross BS6 petrol will come loaded with a 1.5L 4-cylinder K-Series engine with next generation Smart Hybrid technology and ...
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