The much awaited Ford Endeavour facelift has been launched in India with a starting price of Rs. 28.19 lakhs (ex-showroom) for the Titanium 2.2 manual variant. The 2.2 automatic version is priced at Rs. 30.60 lakhs while the 3.2 automatic 4x4 is priced at Rs. 32.97 lakhs. There are only three variants of the new Endeavour on offer and there is a new Diffused Silver colour option.
The new Ford Endeavour comes with minor cosmetic changes on the exterior and a few more features compared to the previous version. The engine options remain the same as well. It comes with a 2.2-litre 4-cylinder diesel which produces 160 PS and 385 Nm. This engine now comes with a 6-speed manual transmission along with an automatic transmission.
It also comes with a 3.2-litre, 5-cylinder diesel engine which produces 200 PS and 470 Nm. This engine is only available with an automatic transmission and 4x4. Some of the new features of the Endeavour include push button start/stop with keyless entry, passenger seat power adjustable, SYNC3 infotainment system, hands-free power lift gate, etc.