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Buying Tools

Droom Full Circle Trust Score is based on Droom’s proprietary technologies and algorithms that take into account trust factors that are important while buying used automobiles, such as auto inspection, warranty, verified seller, attractiveness of pricing for buyer, and level of disclosures by the sellers. Droom Full Circle Trust Score allows buyers to develop a more objective assessment and comfort around the vehicles they are considering to buy
Orange Book Value is India's first and only algorithmic pricing engine that suggests fair market value for any used automobile in less than 10 seconds. You can also download or share OBV Valuation Report for free for any used vehicle.
ECO is India’s most advanced, independent, objective and unbiased auto inspection and verification service provider. Inspection of a used vehicle is performed using ECO’s proprietary methodology by professionals. The inspection checklist is mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive covering 121 important points, needed in verifying or inspecting a pre-owned vehicle. Once inspection/verification is ordered by a user, the service will be delivered at their doorstep at a convenient time, as specified by the customer. Post the completion of inspection/verification, a digital report is delivered to the user.
Droom History is an unbiased report providing overall information about a vehicle’s background. The report helps you to quickly check any vehicle’s history online. The report is generated using Droom’s proprietary technology through vehicle’s registration number. This information is useful for the buyers as well as sellers when choosing one among the wide range of used vehicles. It addresses the issues related to a vehicle’s safety, trust, and value. The details mentioned in the report are crucial while purchasing the vehicle, as used automobile market has a lot of grey areas. It helps buyers in making a more informed decision, while giving security for investment and peace of mind.
Total cost of ownership is a data science based tool which calculates the total money that anyone will have to spend owning a car for a period of five years. This tool also gives a user the ability to compare up to three cars based on total cost of ownership and make an informed buying decision. This tool gives the total cost of ownership for each car in comparison as a whole number and also the split up for the accumulating cost
EMI calculator helps any user calculate the EMI for the for the loan amount he/ she is willing to borrow to make a big asset purchase. EMI calculator also provides details like the total interest to be paid, total landed amount to be repaid for the interest rate and tenure of the loan selected.
Affordability Calculator helps any user check the affordable price and EMI range at which he/ she can buy a vehicle based on the income and expenditures entered by the user on a monthly basis.
Pricing Research is a discovery tool where, a user can do a complete analysis on the pricing of a used vehicle on Droom’s Platform. This tool gives the following as result to the user:

Fair price range from Orange Book Value
High, Mean, Median and Low prices of similar vehicles listed on Droom Platform.
High, Mean, Median and Low Prices of Similar Vehicles sold on Droom Platform.
Current and past ex-showroom prices of a similar new vehicle.